The Bride has made herself ready

The Bride has made herself ready

His Bride is a Warrior

His Bride is a Warrior

Monday, December 13, 2010

Emmaus Road

Emmaus Road

Promises now lay in a darkened tomb,
All hope seems to have taken wings and flown away.
Weariness, apprehension and fear,
onslaughts of the enemy try to weaken my grasp.

How long must I hold onto a remote dream,
when all that I loved it seems,
was just an illusion?

The city of peace now in chaos and riot,
expectations lying in dust, feeling
broken hearted, numb and empty.

Traveling down that dusty road,
questions assault my mind, and rip
at my heart.

My eyes were blinded by all the fears and doubts,
I could not see You there with me.
But then I remembered, and my heart began to burn.

To walk in the higher realm,
where eyes of faith do see,
I must look at what is unseen,
and keep my eyes on You.

My every step is ordered,
even on Emmaus Road.

If we are to burn,
we must take that road.
For it leads us once again,
to our first and only Love.


Sheila R. Martin 9/28/10

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! May we have faith to trust in what our eyes can't grasp, like the city of peace in anything but peace. And may it live into its name!
